Hanging out the washing

Washing aka Laundry plays a big part in most of our lives
and I’m lucky that I’m able to hang our clothes out in the fresh air to dry.
I even wrote a blog post about it once and reposted it last January – see HERE
Now apart from new style washers and driers I didn’t think I’d see anything new in this line
but it took a trip to Newfoundland to show me I was wrong.

Ta Da
I present to you
Hanging out the washing Newfoundland style
click photos for a better view
I asked various people why they stood on the steps
but got told thats the way they had always done it
They placed the line high to take advantage of the wind
so needed steps for the women to stand on
It seemed as good an answer as any lol

8 Replies to “Hanging out the washing”

  1. I honestly have this same concept going on. My husband ran a line from our rather high deck, on a pulley system, to a tree. I stand 'by' the steps to hang laundry. It's so high, it does away with the need of clothes line props.Loved that you posted this, I'm amazed they do it between electrical poles too!


  2. I want one!!! I love to be able to use the sun and wind to dry my clothes, but have to prop the line to keep the longer items up off the grass. Of course, he who installs such things will have his own original take on this ………


  3. I hang my laundry out even in the depths of Winter (well as long it is -20C or warmer as my hands get too cold when it is colder) Freeze dried laundry is a little damp when it is thawed in the house. Good for ironing for those that still do such a thing.I have two lines on pulley's from my back porch which is high enough off the ground to not require a higher platform.In North American there is a movement to bring back hanging laundry out as a energy saving thing. Some "planned communities" that passed rules against it are being challenged. I guess for some only the lower classes hang their laundry out.


  4. Our clothes line arrangement is very similar to the one in the pictures. One pulley is anchored on our porch deck (which is about 7 steps off the ground) and the second is on the barn about 60 feet away. So we stand on the porch, peg the laundry on the line, and then advance the line. Works great.


  5. I think that's a great idea. I always hang my washing to dry, don't have a dryer, don't want one. I still have an old wooden airer that I had for my children's nappies when they were babes (last one born in 1960) which is used to take the 'damp' feel from the washing before it is folded and put away.Might I add, the wooden airer is on its last legs(lol) as am I.


  6. The steps are a great idea, as I am only a little shorty and I would need them. but of course I love our own hills hoist system. they look great spining around in the wind with the washing flaping.


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